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One of the goals of AdvantiGen is to develop antibodies for reagent, diagnostic, and therapeutic use. AdvantiGen's patented reactivation technology and proprietary high-throughput hybridoma platform allow our team to produce significantly more antigen specific clones than standard fusion procedures. Our proprietary technologies increase the odds of identifying your desired antibody and accelerates the development process. 


Our high-throughput hybridoma platform technology has a demonstrated ability to obtain rare clones. Specifically, we can isolate clones that are present in low abundance that may not be captured using traditional hybridoma platforms. Our process has been successfully utilized to identify low abundance antigen specific clones for a variety of targets.


Our patented reactivation technology increases the odds that you will recover hybridoma clones of interest.  Specifically, our technology identifies, reactivates, and expands the B-cells that are specific to your antigen. Our protocol has been successfully used to obtain antibodies against difficult targets.


Our proprietary and patented hybridoma technologies enable our customers to rapidly identify high-value antibodies.

2019 10 01 Hybridoma Figure Option B v3.

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